
I have always loved writing, and I know that skill of verbal, written expression is not easy for everyone. The goal here at Hesed Communications & Writing Services  is to make that process less stressful.

The blog here is designed to be a source of comfort, resources and focus. A place for a writer to be a writer–flaws, insecurities, hangups and all. And that’s okay too!

The blog has the following categories for easy reference:


All things that are happening on the site or in the immediate future.

Editor’s Reflections:

I freelance edit from time to time and these are musings or things I have encountered while editing other work.

From The Writing Desk:

I’m a writer, and these are reflections and musings from the vantage point of an indie writer and published author.


Every writer from time to time needs to be reminded to keep going.

One Minute Motivation: 

These are quick thoughts about/on writing and its process at 300 words or less.

Podcast:  The Writers’ Block

Here you have access to all the latest and greatest information as it relates to writing:  including challenges, resources and tools. And always, encouragement!

Workshop Overview:

As a writer/blogger/author, I am all about sharing the wealth. Watch this space for links to workshops or talks.

Writer Corner:

Here are interviews with writers that I know and I believe you should know too.

There is also a portion of the site that caters to those just getting started with writing and need my editing services! Feel free to contact with me with any questions you may have and the writing needs you would like met.

Happy Writing!


Thank you for coming by!

Jennifer P. Harris

Editor/Founder- Hesed Communications & Writing Services

If you would like to support the work I do here, feel free to donate through CashApp ($JBHWrites) and PayPal (sgllc.1038@yahoo.com)!

Thank you!


May 2024: Show Up For Yourself

Watch for the miniseries AUDIENCE VS. PUBLIC next month.

The most essential thing I am learning to do as a writer is to show up for myself.

Like really show up for myself! In the creative rooms I have created and have access within. In the spaces I’ve been invited to show up in— and all that powers it.

And sometimes that show up means telling people who I am creatively — and resting those successes and learning from those failures!

The show up helps me to grow up. The more I show up, get comfortable telling people who I am, the easier it becomes to honor my own talent— and not envy the successes of other people.

April 2024: Growing Up

I believe the mature artist is willing to admit they are the eternal student— they consistently wonder how they can (or must) improve.

In that process is maturing, or growing up, what I think is crucial to know (and keep close to you) is to remember the critical who critique YOU rather than your WORK, are disingenuous readers. Those who engage the work, and their criticisms show that, their critique has merit, and should be considered.

A key I have learned is not everything is for everyone — but everything I write is for me first.

With that first thought, I must realize the work I want to create must be dependent on my own talent and strong enough to withstand what people may think of it— ie because art is subjective, I must be able to understand an observation and ignore when need be.

Do I get it right all the time? No. And I assure you neither will you. The goal is to create the work you want, endure the criticism you must, while striving to be better.

You are your own competition. Not the faceless internet.

Encouragement Pages – 4/29/2024

The only person who has the power to take away your pen is you.

It is easy to slide into that level of disbelief— and it starts with these 4 words:

“I can’t do this.”

And with that the door is cracked. The draft has come in. Then you have a choice: will you open the door to doubt or will you shut it in faith— and try again?

With Love & Ink,


Encouragement Pages – 4/24/2024

This may be a longer essay. Watch this space. -JBH

There are 5 things I think which make writers stop (aka give up their pen):

1.) Writing what people think you should rather than what you want.

2.) The erasure of your identity: there is a need to writers who do not look like those of the Master Narrative. If you are not cis, het, white and male— your story is needed.

3.) The lack of time. You’d be surprised how many people quit because they don’t have time.

4.) Believing other people when they tell you that you can’t — or tell you that you are better suited to another genre.

5.) Not believing you can. This is more detrimental than you think.

Sometimes continuing is resistance.


With Love & Ink,
