May 2024: Show Up For Yourself

Watch for the miniseries AUDIENCE VS. PUBLIC next month.

The most essential thing I am learning to do as a writer is to show up for myself.

Like really show up for myself! In the creative rooms I have created and have access within. In the spaces I’ve been invited to show up in— and all that powers it.

And sometimes that show up means telling people who I am creatively — and resting those successes and learning from those failures!

The show up helps me to grow up. The more I show up, get comfortable telling people who I am, the easier it becomes to honor my own talent— and not envy the successes of other people.

April 2024: Growing Up

I believe the mature artist is willing to admit they are the eternal student— they consistently wonder how they can (or must) improve.

In that process is maturing, or growing up, what I think is crucial to know (and keep close to you) is to remember the critical who critique YOU rather than your WORK, are disingenuous readers. Those who engage the work, and their criticisms show that, their critique has merit, and should be considered.

A key I have learned is not everything is for everyone — but everything I write is for me first.

With that first thought, I must realize the work I want to create must be dependent on my own talent and strong enough to withstand what people may think of it— ie because art is subjective, I must be able to understand an observation and ignore when need be.

Do I get it right all the time? No. And I assure you neither will you. The goal is to create the work you want, endure the criticism you must, while striving to be better.

You are your own competition. Not the faceless internet.

Encouragement Pages – 4/29/2024

The only person who has the power to take away your pen is you.

It is easy to slide into that level of disbelief— and it starts with these 4 words:

“I can’t do this.”

And with that the door is cracked. The draft has come in. Then you have a choice: will you open the door to doubt or will you shut it in faith— and try again?

With Love & Ink,


Encouragement Pages – 4/22/2024

I talked about the Justice of Writing on this platform before. The Justice of Writing is that anyone can do it, there is no time frame and no time limit.

And the supreme justice — anyone can do it.


Including you.

With Love & Ink,


April 2024: Growing Up

Dealing with criticism is different for every writer— but an occupational hazard of sorts for every writer.

What is crucial to understand boils down to three things:

1.) The invisible people on the internet are not the end all be all of criticism.

2.) If you focus on the negative aspects of creating — you will never create.

3.) The first person you write for is yourself.

With creating, you must understand that people are going to have something to say about it— but you cannot be defined or paralyzed because of it.

If this occurs, you are beholden to other people— and not yourself. When this happens, if this happens, the world is deprived of you.

What you must reckon with is this is something you want?

Encouragement Pages – 4/12/2024

There is a fluidity to writing. There is an art and metaphysical power to taking what is in your head, pushing it through your hands to see what you are saying.

To see what you want to say to the world.

Don’t give that up.

With Love & Ink,
